After Antidepressants, a Loss of Sexuality November 09, 2023 Antidepressants audio-neutral-informative Depression (Mental) Drugs (Pharmaceuticals) NYT NYTimes Prozac (Drug) Research Serotonin (Chemical) Sex +
Scientists Offer a New Explanation for Long Covid October 16, 2023 Antidepressants Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Disease Rates Long Covid NYT NYTimes Research Serotonin (Chemical) your-feed-health your-feed-healthcare +
Why Aren’t Doctors Screening Older Americans for Anxiety? February 26, 2023 Antidepressants Anxiety and Stress Depression (Mental) Elderly Mental Health and Disorders NYT NYTimes Psychiatry and Psychiatrists +
How to Quit Antidepressants: Very Slowly, Doctors Say March 05, 2019 Antidepressants Depression (Mental) Health NYT Psychiatry and Psychiatrists your-feed-science your-feed-science IFTTT +