
Babies Can Be Raised Vegan With Proper Guidance, Experts Say

Your Environment Is Cleaner. Your Immune System Has Never Been So Unprepared.

Is Screen Time Bad for Kids’ Brains?

Far More U.S. Children than Previously Thought May Have Fetal Alcohol Disorders

Americans Are Putting Down the Soda Pop

New Study Casts Doubt on Diagnosis of Adult-Onset A.D.H.D.

Life After the Storm: Children Who Survived Katrina Offer Lessons

Caregivers Are Too Slow to Reach for EpiPens, Study Finds

Keith Conners, Psychologist Who Set Standard for Diagnosing A.D.H.D., Dies at 84

Weighing the Ethics of Artificial Wombs

H.I.V. Stalks Prostitutes and Their Children in Cambodia