
When Teens Visit Doctors, Increasingly the Subject is Mental Health

Old and Young, Talking Again

After Antidepressants, a Loss of Sexuality

Why Aren’t Doctors Screening Older Americans for Anxiety?

Health Panel Recommends Anxiety Screening for All Adults Under 65

Cancer Patients Are at High Risk of Depression and Suicide, Studies Find

More Teenage Girls With Eating Disorders Wound Up in the E.R. During the Pandemic

More Teenage Girls With Eating Disorders Wound Up in the E.R. During the Pandemic

Covid patients may have increased risk of developing mental health problems.

Dr. Aaron T. Beck, Developer of Cognitive Therapy, Dies at 100

Depression and anxiety declined in the first half of 2021 but remained high, the C.D.C. reports.

A ‘Pacemaker for the Brain’: No Treatment Helped Her Depression — Until This

A Psychedelic Drug Passes Big Test for PTSD Treatment

The Pandemic Helped Me Realize How Essential My Routines Were

Science Plays the Long Game. But People Have Mental Health Issues Now.

Some Covid-19 Patients Say They’re Left With Ringing Ears

For Long-Haulers, Covid-19 Takes a Toll on Mind as Well as Body

Alzheimer’s Tests Soon May Be Common. Should You Get One?

Risk for Dementia May Increase With Long-Term Use of Certain Medicines

F.D.A. Approves First Drug for Postpartum Depression