Dropping mask mandates, even as vaccinations speed up, is ‘risky business,’ Dr. Fauci warns. March 14, 2021 Health IFTTT internal-essential News and News Media NYT NYTimes Polls and Public Opinion Vaccination and Immunization +
Wikipedia and W.H.O. Join to Combat Covid Misinformation October 22, 2020 Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Hazardous and Toxic Substances Health IFTTT Language and Languages News and News Media NYT NYTimes Rumors and Misinformation Social Media +
Getting Wise to Fake News September 11, 2020 Computers and the Internet E-Learning Elderly Health IFTTT News and News Media NYT NYTimes Rumors and Misinformation Social Media your-feed-health your-feed-science +
‘Fake News’: Wide Reach but Little Impact, Study Suggests January 02, 2018 Computers and the Internet IFTTT Health News and News Media NYT Rumors and Misinformation +