
With no way to identify Omicron and Delta patients, doctors struggle with treatment decisions.

Scientists say Omicron may peak in the U.S. in mid-January but still may overwhelm hospitals.

Studies Suggest Why Omicron Is Less Severe: It Spares the Lungs

J&J’s booster shot provides strong protection against severe disease from Omicron, a study says.

As Omicron Spreads, Officials Ponder What It Means to Be ‘Fully Vaccinated’

Will shortened isolation periods spread the virus?

Omicron is not more severe for children, despite rising hospitalizations.

Moderna says its booster significantly raises the level of antibodies to thwart Omicron.

Most of the World’s Vaccines Likely Won’t Prevent Infection From Omicron

As uncertainties linger about the new variant, officials say U.S. Omicron cases are likely to rise.

Omicron Variant Spreading Twice as Quickly as Delta in South Africa

Omicron and Vaccine Protection

Why Hasn’t the U.S. Found More Omicron Cases?

Omicron Prompts Swift Reconsideration of Boosters Among Scientists

The first Omicron case has been detected in the U.S.

The C.D.C. tells airlines to identify passengers who had recently been in southern Africa.

An F.D.A. panel endorses Merck’s Covid pill for high-risk adults.

Regeneron says its antibody treatment may not be as effective against Omicron, but testing is underway.

Omicron carries scary mutations. That doesn’t mean they work well together.

Does Omicron cause only mild illness? The jury is still out.