
Trump Proposes Ways to Improve Care for Kidney Disease

Like ‘Uber for Organs’: Drone Delivers Kidney to Maryland Woman

Transplant Patients Need Anti-Rejection Drugs. Why Won’t Insurers Pay for Some of Them?

Drug Companies and Doctors Battle Over the Future of Fecal Transplants

Dialysis Is a Way of Life for Many Older Patients. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.

Scientists Are Teaching the Body to Accept New Organs

From a Deceased Woman’s Transplanted Uterus, a Live Birth

Dying Organs Restored to Life in Novel Experiments

Antibiotics Didn’t Cure Their Infections. Fecal Bacteria Did.

‘Whole Again’: A Vet Maimed by an I.E.D. Receives a Transplanted Penis

Greater Access to Donated Livers Promised to Transplant Patients

Woman With Transplanted Uterus Gives Birth, the First in the U.S.

Gene Editing Spurs Hope for Transplanting Pig Organs Into Humans